1st Missed Race
Captain’s Log.
Star date April 28th,2013
Another race day,another cold,foggy day at Lake Merced……..except for the
Healers. This is not just another race day, it is a day of rebirth….. the sun came
out , we started our journey, and ended with a magical race !
This was the first race since the birth of the team where I was not paddling….I
missed it ! I missed getting to marshaling, into the boat, feeling the nervous rush
at the start line and that first stroke before I get into the zone…..next call we have
crossed the finish line ! Mostly I missed the journey of a race with you all.
The race was about laying the foundation…establishing the culture and bonding
for the rest of this season and beyond. We are on our way and I am proud to be
on the journey with you.
Your captain,